THE MAKING OF A NATION #013 - Second Continental Congress Declaration of Independence.txt
THE MAKING OF A NATION #013 - Second Continental Congress Declaration of IndependenceTHE MAKING OF A NATION #013 - Second Continental Congress Declaration of IndependenceTHE MAKING OF A NATION #013 - Second Continental Congress Declaration of Independence
SECOND LIFE在中小学信息技术教学中的应用初探.txt
SECOND LIFE在中小学信息技术教学中的应用初探
SECOND LIFE在中小学信息技术教学中的应用初探[信息化教学]
张延飞  陈 静  约3559字
  摘要 对中小学信息技术课程教学存在的问题进行深入分析,力求挖掘源于学习主体、课程自身特点、教学方式等方面的制约因素,结合SECO...
Second Life中图书馆的服务模式.txt
Second Life中图书馆的服务模式
Second Life中图书馆的服务模式[图书馆工作研究]
武 琳 张 亚  约4940字
  [摘要]介绍Second Life图书馆是一种在三维虚拟世界展示完全不同于传统类型图书馆服务的新型图书馆。在调研Second Life图书馆...
Second Life在教育中的应用初探.txt
Second Life在教育中的应用初探
Second Life在教育中的应用初探[技术在线]
羌 红  约1986字
  摘要 通过对SL(Second Life)中学习模式的构建与分析,展示出SL提供的一种新型的协作工作环境,鼓励教育者、研究人员理解、尝试这类新环境。
Second Life--柔性教育的新舞台.txt
SecondLife——柔性教育的新舞台[改革与探讨] 蒋智勇 约4156 要】柔性教育是为适应信息全球化和知识经济时代要求,培养高校学生的实践能力及应对能力,由美国在上世纪九十年代率先提出并倡导的一
Second Language Acquisition and the Critical Period Hypothesis.txt
SecondLanguage Acquisition CriticalPeriod Hypothesis Birdsong, David (Ed.) (1999) Mahwah, NJ: Lawren
Queen of Darkness 暗黑女王外传 the Second Reproduction 简体中文汉化版.txt
Queen of Darkness 暗黑女王外传 the Second Reproduction 简体中文汉化版 ...
Second Announcement.txt
Second Announcement
Parses (Hard) Per Second 硬解析.txt
Parses (Hard) Per Second 硬解析Parses (Hard) Per Second 硬解析Parses (Hard) Per Second 硬解析
金融英语原文--Advantages of a Commercial Second Mortgage or Equity Loan.txt
A commercial second mortgage is an important commercial real estate tool. Commercial second mortgages are often used in conjunction with a new first commercial mortgage loan. Typically, the commercial second mortgage will have a term of one to five years with interest only payments. While commercial second mortgages can be critical in some financing scenarios, consideration must be given as to whether or not you have the ability to service both loans.
